Marius Frank


Marius Frank is a former Headteacher of Bedminster Down School (and the first BAME Secondary Headteacher in Bristol trebling performance outcomes in a decade despite a very deprived environment. Hi is former CEO of ASDAN Education, an international Awarding Organisation (offering a wide variety of EQF (European Qualification Framework) Level 1 to Level 6 qualifications in vocational and personal development), curriculum development and innovation. He has been a leader in a number of high-profile government-funded projects: the first aimed to reduce the impact and incidence of bullying on children and young people with SEND. 1,500 schools received face-to-face training, with 96% of all attendees rating the event as good or outstanding, making them He was given an internal DfE (Department for Education) 1 rating for delivery, the highest grade possible.

Louise McGinty

NPQH lead facilitator and AfA Coach/Pupil Premium Practice Review Coach

Louise has over 28 years’ experience as teacher, headteacher, SIP, independent school improvement advisor/consultant, NPQH lead facilitator and AfA Coach/Pupil Premium Practice Review Coach. She has been an Advisor for SEND School Improvement with a local authority and is currently a school improvement advisor for a large county. Within this role she leads on SEND school improvement, training across the county to support better understanding of universal provision, inclusion and implementation of high-quality teaching practices. She has proven ability to lead schools out of categories and onto success. She led 2 schools out of special measures within 1 year; led and was part of the SLT for 3 schools in RI/NTI/SW to have those categories removed. Rapid school improvement is her key area of expertise. HMI recognised her ability to facilitate ‘significant impact’ to raise standards; ‘tenacity’ of leadership and delivering quality outcomes for staff and pupils. She is a highly skilled practitioner in coaching, mentoring, closing the gap and Achievement for All (inclusion and SEND).

Nic Ponsford

Co-Founder and CEO (Education) of the GEC (Global Equality Collective)

Previously an AST and award-winning teacher and Harvard author (‘TechnoTeaching’), she is now an educational and technology thought leader. Whilst studying her Doctorate, she was headhunted for a central role with the DfE Edtech Demonstrator Programme offering peer-to-peer support via 48 nationwide Demonstrator schools and coll. She is also a lecturer at Leeds Beckett University, MSc in Digital Pedagogy Nic is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist on closing gaps for the most vulnerable, #techforgood & #futureofwork, and all things diversity and inclusion in education. Nic believes that technology is the great equaliser for our time.

John Drew

Practitioner Trainer with Emotion Coaching UK

John Drew worked in Education for 20 years as a Teacher and SENCo and in Senior Leadership. He is an accredited Practitioner Trainer with Emotion Coaching UK and has been actively engaged with Emotion Coaching UK over the past 4 years He also works as a Lead Hub Facilitator for Croydon School to School Hub for Designated Teachers and Aa a Facilitator with the Anti Bullying Alliance. He is aProject Coach working with the Youth Justice Service in several London Boroughs John is currently involved with evaluating a large-scale Emotion Coaching project with the Youth Justice Sector. This project involved training and coaching a diverse workforce including, Case Workers, YOT Police, Integrated Gangs Teams, Early Help Teams and Targeted Youth Support Workers as well as evaluating impact. The outcomes which are emerging from this project continue to drive John’s passions. John is an MIEE (Microsoft Innovator in Education Expert).

Bob Basley

Anti-Bullying Quality Mark-UK

Bob has worked in the education sector for 29 years as a teacher, senior leader, senior school improvement consultant and school leadership coach. He has an extensive experience in the areas of: inclusion, intervention, social, emotional and behavioural development, anti-bullying, personalised learning, curriculum development and staff development. He has worked with schools in the primary and secondary phases in the last 19 years, supporting them in securing measurably improved outcomes for vulnerable learners. These include: higher attainment, better progress, improved attendance and engagement in learning, stronger family engagement. His work leading Anti-Bullying Quality Mark-UK has focused on supporting schools across the country in developing and demonstrating best practice in anti-bullying, wellbeing and social, emotional and behavioural development. Bob has recently co-written a programme for migrant children in UK and across Europe, enabling them to be cybersafe and secure, which included use of Assistive Technologies to close the communication gap between schools, new migrant children and their families.

Raising Attainment with Wellbeing

Create an inclusive learning environment that supports and nurtures the highest possible levels of emotional wellbeing, accelerating progress and securing better personal outcomes, through 5 core Modules.