Course curriculum

    1. 2.1 Wellbeing and achievement in schools: The big picture

    2. 2.1 A Guide by the Side ESSENTIAL VIEWING

    3. New targets - new challenges - new ways of working

    4. Setting the Scene

    5. What can we learn from eradicating cholera?!

    6. Why is emotional well-being such an important factor in learning and academic achievement?

    7. The Amygdala Hijack

    8. The Amygdala Hijack: Jon Drew and Marius Frank in conversation 2:30

    9. The link between stressors and learning

    10. Exploring the relationship between mental health and emotional wellbeing

    11. EWMH (Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health) Trajectories- Check your answers

    12. Thinking about EWMH Trajectories

    13. What do children think about wellbeing?

    14. Why "Raising Attainment with Wellbeing"? Marius Frank in conversation with Nic Ponsford 2:30

    15. Referrals to CAMHS

    16. The emotional wellbeing of an education community

    17. What social and environmental factors can have a negative impact on the wellbeing of your education community?

    18. Reflecting on the negative social and environmental factors

    19. The Social and Emotional Impact of the Covid Pandemic - Why sometimes "learning" has to wait. Jon Drew and Marius Frank in conversation 6:40

    20. Resources

    1. 2.2 Core Strength - An introduction

    2. 2.2 A Guide by the side

    3. The challenge of disadvantage and underachievement: building core strength

    4. What is Core Strength?

    5. Core Strength and the World of Work

    6. Today's job market... and the perceptions of the most disadvantaged young people

    7. Uncovering the harsh realities of today's job market and youth expectations (Webinar and workshop Dec 2022)

    8. Core Strength and Raising Attainment with Wellbeing

    9. Rebalancing the Curriculum? A thinkpiece: Returning to the knowledge versus skills debate

    10. Resources

    1. 2.3 Core Strength - Confidence, Resilience and Growth Mindset

    2. 2.3 A Guide by the side

    3. What is Self-Esteem?

    4. What schools can do to unlock learning, from the perspective of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

    5. Creating a climate to grow self-belief and self-esteem

    6. Is this an example of a "can-do" culture shifter... or not?

    7. Final thoughts on Self-Esteem

    8. Building Resilience and self-efficacy

    9. Building Resilience- External and Internal Factors

    10. Fostering Academic Resilience - and links to additional resources

    11. Introduction to Carol Dweck's 'Fixed' and 'Growth' Mindsets

    12. How Metacognition relates to Growth Mindset

    13. Developing a Growth Mindset- The Power of "Not Yet"

    14. Resources

    1. 2.4 Core Strengh- The Metacognitive Classroom

    2. 2.4 A Guide by the side

    3. Thinking about thinking... and the impact of social disadvantage

    4. Feuerstein's Cognitive Processes

    5. Piaget's Development Stages

    6. Vygotsky- Zone of Proximal Development

    7. Vygotsky- Why learning (sometimes) goes wrong

    8. Reflections on the development of thinking skills

    9. Scaffolding

    10. Developing Thinking Skills

    11. Thinking Skills Schema

    12. Evidence from ASDAN on the impact of CoPE on GCSE performance

    13. Making Thinking Visible in your Classroom

    14. Curriculum Planning for Thinking Skills

    15. 3D- Curriculum Planning

    16. Creating Curriculum Opportunities to grow thinking skills

    17. Thinking and Learning Skills within Subjects

    18. Thinking and Learning Skills Planned Around Events

    19. Thinking and Learning Skills Embedded into Project-Based Learning

    20. What to do with a coachload of American Tourists in Wales for five days? An example of Project-Based Learning blended with skill development

    21. Thinking Skills Audit

    22. A Thinking Skills Evaluation Framework

    23. Resources

About this course

  • 67 lessons