Course curriculum

    1. 4.1 The climate and culture of the school community

    2. 4.1 A Guide by the Side

    3. The "Big Five" factors that drive inclusion and a sense of belonging

    4. 4.1.1 Relationships and belonging

    5. Inclusion... and dilemmas of difference

    6. Meaningful Inclusion

    7. Inclusion Scenarios

    8. Reflections on diversity and inclusion

    9. Understanding and developing "prosocial" behaviour

    10. Exploring Empathy

    11. Developing social and emotional learning

    12. Reflection- Developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    13. 4.1.2 Celebrating Diversity

    14. Activity and Reflections on Celebrating Diversity

    15. What is the Global Equality Collective? Nic Ponsford in conversation with Marius Frank 3:10

    16. 4.1.3 Including Children with SEND in mainstream classes

    17. Comparing the Social and Medical Models of Disability

    18. Wave 1 Teaching Adjustments: Reflection and Discussion

    19. The Graduated Approach to meeting Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

    20. Meeting needs through Wave 1 Teaching and Learning adjustments

    21. Wave 1 Teaching Adjustments to meet Additional Needs

    22. Reflections

    23. 4.1.4 Challenging bullying behaviours, and supporting the most vulnerable

    24. Why some disadvantaged children are uniquely vulnerable to bullying behaviours

    25. Combatting Cyber-Bullying

    26. Antibullying Quality Mark and Other Resources

    27. Wellbeing tips and strategies for all ages

    28. More Tips Suggestions and Links

    29. Resources

    1. 4.2 The climate and culture of the classroom

    2. 4.2 Guide by the Side

    3. Finding a new authority

    4. Thinking about "Behaviour"

    5. The power of positive behaviour management

    6. Descriptions of ‘difficult, disruptive or challenging’ students (of all ages)

    7. Reflections on difficult students

    8. Preparing and planning for difficult students

    9. Activity and Reflection

    10. The power of positive behaviour management

    11. Reflection

    12. Building Trust

    13. Reflection on building trust, building empathy and using restorative approaches when things go wrong?

    14. The power of positive feedback

    15. Reflections on positive feedback

    16. More tips and strategies

    17. SEL Online

    18. Reflections on developing practice

    19. Further research and reading

    20. Resources

    1. 4.3 Physical Health and Wellbeing

    2. 4.3.1 The five dimensions of physical health and wellbeing

    3. 4.3.2 One thousand voices: What are young people telling us?

    4. 4.3.3 What is the government telling us?

    5. 4.3.4 Physical Activity

    6. 4.3.5 Eating Well

    7. 4.3.6 Sleep

    8. 4.3.7 Hygiene

    9. 4.3.8 Relaxation

    10. Resources

About this course

  • 59 lessons