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Teaching Times

Who is the Programme for?

  • Those with overall responsibility for the curriculum

  • Experienced and newly appointed subject leaders

  • Aspiring subject leaders who want to learn how to lead subject teams

About the Programme

This programme is for those middle leaders responsible for interpreting the school vision or intent and translating it into subject-specific implementation. It creates opportunities for both curriculum and subject leaders to build the most powerful strategies for positive implementation of a deep, rich and sequenced curriculum. Each module looks in detail at elements of the role of the curriculum or subject leader and includes a suite of resources they can use with their teams to deliver a sequential curriculum, woven together to deliver a knowledge-rich and skills-focused curriculum.

Create Highly Successful Curriculum and Subject Leaders

This Programme is for all those with responsibility for implementing subject-specific and high-quality curriculum outcomes in every subject across the curriculum in all settings from early years to post-16. It will strengthen the role of all subject leaders and build cohesion where planning and delivering the curriculum are part of a whole - school synergy and commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

Programme Outcomes

At the end of the Programme each participant will be:

  • More critical and creative

    in leading the drive for whole school continuous improvement and high-quality outcomes for all pupils.

  • More confident in

    understanding the curriculum, and the subject leader role and its complexities.

  • More aware of how to

    manage change and challenge subject leaders to be creative and innovative with their curriculum.

  • More able to

    create highly effective teams that work together to achieve the school vision

  • More skilled in how to

    build a cohesive and sequenced curriculum that ensures progression and learning for all pupils across the spectrum of ability including those with SEND.

  • Better able to

    understand how to create opportunities for continuing professional development through positive feedback and coaching techniques.

  • Able to

    liaise and engage with senior leadership in the pursuance of the vision for the highest quality of education across all subjects, year groups and key stages.

The Five Modules

  • The Programme is set out as five distinct modules that flow from to the other. Each module can also be delivered discreetly and stand alone. A curriculum leader with overall responsibility for whole school curriculum cohesion can start at any point or take each module chronologically as part of a sequenced opportunity for their continuing professional development or that of subject leaders and their teams.

  • The programme is also designed so that it can be used by individuals who want to work at their own pace or, where a group of subject leaders can work together to learn from each other, build curriculum implementation plans and define their own strategies that will deliver the impact defined by the school vision or intent.

Modules Descriptions

  • Module 1 - What are the essential leadership qualities subject leaders should have to deliver the highest quality educational outcomes for all

    Here we are focusing on the essential leadership skills that are relevant to all those who lead teams within education from early years to post 16, in both mainstream and special school settings. We have a needs analysis tool that curriculum and subject leaders can use to assess their strengths and areas where they know they can continually develop their leadership potential. We look at the concept of quality and how those with curriculum and subject responsibility must be able to understand in order to ensure there is the catalyst for delivering the seven pillars of total quality management that will lead to whole school improvement. We take a deep dive into the components of curriculum design and then define how to plan the journey towards curriculum excellence and continuous improvement.

  • Module 2 - The role of the curriculum, subject leader or department head in influencing change and challenge

    Module 2 delves more deeply into the pivotal role of the curriculum leader and those who lead the different subjects taught in a school. We look at the language of curriculum intent and how leaders must translate the ambition and rationale into coherent implementation strategies. We look at the substance of the curriculum through the lens of the key concepts that define curriculum design and delivery. We focus on the imperative to ensure that there is parity for all pupils especially those with (SEND), the sequencing of learning over time and consistency of assessment. We also, within this module, look at the need for curriculum leaders to know the effects that change can have in order that they can manage the implementation of cohesive and deep learning. We look at the consequences of change on individuals and how to ensure they successfully develop new approaches, take risks with their planning and pedagogy and find their own solutions.

  • Module 3 - Curriculum Knowledge, Skills and Sequential Learning

    In this module we are bringing to life the threads that weave the curriculum together so that in every subject the different strands bind together to create a tapestry of deep learning for every pupil or student. We look at the vocabulary of the curriculum and the different elements that all need to be woven together to create depth of knowledge and understanding that develops over time. We provide a range of resources and tools for the subject leader to use to ensure there is a shared understanding of how to implement and manage subject specific pedagogy and learning and design a continuum that will create sequential pathways for all learners whatever their starting point. This includes the need to focus on literacy, numeracy and the wider thinking skills in all subjects, how memory plays an important part in learning and finally we look at classroom management and pedagogy and the strategies that ensure learning is active, participative and challenging. We look closely at how the planning and implementation of a powerful curriculum offer includes embracing all those pupils with (SEND).

  • Module 4 - Building Successful Teams

    One of the most important roles for a curriculum or subject leader is to manage his or her team or teams. It is the ability to motivate, organise and build successful teams that will lead to powerful learning and the achievement of clearly defined goals for high quality outcomes for individuals, the team and the whole school. We look in some detail at how subject leaders can harness the energy within their teams, focus on the qualities needed to create successful teams and the communication that is needed to build towards a common purpose. We look at the roles that create the ideal team, the essential protocols and processes that deliver success and the need to build trust into the process. We also look at how to manage conflict, both healthy and unhealthy and how to minimise discontent and dissatisfaction. We also look at the essential synergy between the subject leader, the teacher and the Learning Support Assistant or Teaching Assistant in their collective role in supporting pupils with SEND.

  • Module 5 - Reflecting on High Quality Curriculum and Subject Specific Leadership

    In this final module we bring together some resources and research that delves into the quality of education and what the curriculum and the subject leader needs to focus on to ensure their subject teams and those that form wider cross curricular groups are working together to create a cohesive curriculum that delivers excellence and continuous improvement for all learners including pupils with SEND. We look specifically at classroom practice, pedagogy for learning and what to look for in relation to what pupils are producing and learning. We focus on the subject specific research from Ofsted and other important commentators to create the platform for the professional dialogue that will lead to cohesion and a shared commitment to the highest quality of education across the learning spectrum. Finally we have a suite of planning tools so that subject leaders can reflect on their learning and define their next steps that will lead them towards achieving their own goals and vision for outstanding curriculum and teaching and learning.

Key benefits

  • Informed and research-driven: The programme looks in detail at the current drivers that equip curriculum and subject leaders with the knowledge and information they need to create powerful curriculum content, high quality pedagogy and learning outcomes that ensures all pupils including those with SEND make progress and achieve.

  • Practical and solutions-focused: Each module has a wealth of materials, resources and references that will give curriculum and subject leaders all they need to create the right platform for cohesive planning, subject specific delivery and a focus on cross – curricular collaboration.

  • Creates powerful opportunities for a shared dialogue about quality and the curriculum: At the heart of a school’s success is its staff and of course its pupils. In each module there are opportunities for senior and subject leaders to share a dialogue about curriculum and the school’s ambition for every pupil.

  • Inclusive: We build into each module the absolute imperative to ensure parity for all pupils including those with SEND both in mainstream and in special schools.

  • An accessible and flexible platform for professional learning: The programme is designed to offer a flexible and easy to use digital platform that will enhance the learning experience of all those who use it. All of the resources are downloadable and provide useful tools for subject leaders to use as part of continuing professional learning.

  • A cost-effective curriculum resource for all subject leaders across all phases and for all subjects: This programme is a comprehensive and practical guide for all those who have a responsibility for translating curriculum intent into implementation. Each curriculum and subject expert can use the content here to overlay their subject expertise and weave deep learning for all pupils and students. Because it can be used for all subject leaders ( and broader leadership roles like a SENCO) it is an extremely cost effective route for spending on CPD and school improvement.

Who you will learn with

Glynis Frater

Course Director

Glynis has been a leader in the development of curriculum thinking and associated strategies for developing leaders and teachers to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to plan and deliver the highest quality of learning and teaching. In 2010, Glynis co-founded Learning Cultures, an organisation dedicated to providing the highest-quality continuing professional development and learning (CPDL) to the education profession across all its phases. She is a qualified teacher and coach, has profound experience of leading in education and is the author of several books and articles. She has recently published the first of two books about the curriculum. Primary Curriculum Design and Delivery is available now and her second sister publication, Secondary Curriculum Design and Delivery, will be published later in 2024. Prior to launching Learning Cultures, Glynis was part of the leadership team at the Specialist School and Academies Trust (SSAT), working on the development of a series of strategies to enhance the curriculum for pupils aged 14-19. She also worked with Nord Anglia, leading a talented team in the development of a nationwide coaching programme for leaders and teachers in education. Glynis also worked closely with the Welsh Assembly Government through their programme DYSG to help schools focus on curriculum design across the primary and secondary sectors.

“‘Glynis has worked with us here at Mount Pleasant on several occasions. It has been so useful to work with an expert who has so much knowledge about the curriculum and how it should be planned and taught. There isn’t a member of staff here who hasn’t benefited from the training and support we have had from Glynis.’”

Claire Grinsell, Acting Headteacher Mount Pleasant Primary School, Dudley

“‘Our school is unique and Glynis’s understanding of the curriculum and how to shape a consensus on learning through access to the full curriculum has been inspirational. For our three scientists her support has been invaluable. We are still using the resources and continue to benefit from the deep knowledge shared with us.’”

Ian Curnow, Headteacher Sutton Special School

Pricing Option 1

£1750 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

You will have access to all five modules.

You will be able to view all the videos and presentations and to use them for curriculum leaders and individual subject leaders from any subject to learn and grow in their role or with colleagues.

You can use with colleagues collectively as a means of creating cohesion and consistency in how to translate curriculum intent into implementation.

The modules stand alone or can be run as a course or programme over an INSET day or series of twilights. They are designed as generic across all subjects and are relevant to the primary, secondary or special school sectors. All of the resources are available to download and use again and again.

All purchases include 12 months access to our Creative Teaching & Learning content and our Leadership content via

Pricing Option 2

£2550 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

All of option 1 plus

Access to one of the Learning Cultures’ team of curriculum experts to work with individuals or teams to coach and support curriculum leaders or specific subject leaders to use the tools, materials and resources to enhance their own potential to deliver powerful professional development for their teams.

Eight hours of dedicated time for professional coaching for an individual curriculum leader or for an individual or group of subject leaders to work together as they progress through the programme.

With this option your school can work towards a Curriculum Excellence Award. As part of your work with the coach, you can achieve a silver award, a prestigious accolade for working towards completion of this programme.

All purchases include 12 months access to our Creative Teaching & Learning content and our Leadership content via

Pricing Option 3

£3450 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

All of options 1 & 2 plus

16 (instead of eight) hours of dedicated time for professional coaching with one of Learning Cultures’ team of curriculum experts.

The extra coaching hours provide the curriculum leader with the time and benefit of an experienced coach and expert in curriculum to develop strategies to support individual or teams of subject leaders to build the highest-quality implementation strategies that will lead to cohesion and high-quality outcomes for all pupils across the spectrum of learning within the school.

With this option your school can work towards a gold Curriculum Excellence Award. The coach can work with the school to lead towards achievement of this prestigious award.

All purchases include 12 months access to our Creative Teaching & Learning content and our Leadership content via

Acquire this valuable Programme and Enhance your Curriculum