4. Thinking
This intermediate course will give you ways to develop and teach critical and creative thinking in the classroom.
Introduction to thinking
Two kinds of reason-giving
Two types of content
Right and wrong in philosophy
One-eyed thinking
Cognitive dissonance
Growth mindset
Bite points and extended enquiries
Visual Thinking Strategies
Approaching poetry
Experience as stimulus
Classroom examples of experience as stimulus
Descriptive teaching
Dialectical movement and the third way
Dialectical movement and the third way
Is-ing and oughting
Tension play
Introducing new ideas and provocations
Introducing new ideas and provocations
Flat Earth
Critical engagment
Conceptual Comparisons
Conceptual Analysis
Contrasting Examples
Hokey Kokey/Kokey Hokey
Questioning for arguments
Arguments and hidden premises
Universal claims and modal verbs
Definitely Maybe
Break the circle
False Dichotomies
Reflection task
Impact of new strategies
Thinking Evaluation and Assessment