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Programme's Description:

This programme shows that peer coaching can be introduced in a non-hierarchical way, enabling everyone to experience non-judgemental coaching conversations that help them own their own personal and professional development. Once this is introduced to staff, you’ll immediately see the benefits as more collaboration, self-awareness and self-efficacy permeate staffroom and classroom conversations.

About this programme

Coaching, introduced as this programme suggests, will impact on results and wellbeing. It will help everyone who works at your school feel a sense of belonging and being valued. It’s not a quick fix, it’s a way of becoming the very best that you can be – for yourself, and for the whole school community.

  • An understanding of how and why coaching can work as a powerful lever for change and growth.

  • The skills of coaching for your own professional and personal development.

  • A huge range of resources and training materials to use to develop a coaching culture in your school.

Coaching works to impact on school improvement

Coaching for staff

Latest research shows that coaching is a powerful tool for school improvement.

‘Our findings demonstrate that effective teacher coaching does lead to conditions that underpin school improvement. Specifically, the positive effect was most evident when there was alignment between the coaching approach and the tenets of collaborative professionalism.’

Coaching for students

In New Zealand several programmes in student coaching students have found:

‘Benefits include improved overall confidence in interacting with their peers, improved listening skills, improvements in their ability to empathise and support their peers when working towards thei goals’

Click here to learn more.

Many schools are struggling with staffing challenges, an uncertain future and more special needs children than ever. 

This Programme will build psychological capital such as optimism, self-efficacy and resilience across your community by building reflective skills for ALL. It will also show you how coaching creates personalised CPD that works to implement school improvement strategies and it will most definitely students work together to develop self-regulation and metacognition.


There are 6 sections in this programme to follow or dip into:

  • Leadership Coaching

    School leaders at all levels will benefit both from coaching and being coached. They will develop their leadership skills, having coaching conversations that grow their emotional intelligence and ability to respond to challenges in their teams. This section shows how coaching can influence your school culture and lead to initiatives being owned by all the staff and therefore implemented more effectively, giving leaders more time to lead.

  • Staff Coaching

    This section provides all the videos, slides and resources to train your staff in coaching. It gives them practical experience of how a 7-minute coaching conversation can begin to address challenging problems and encourage staff to come up with their own solutions to them and set targets for incremental improvement. This could start with a training session for everyone so that staff know what coaching is (and isn’t!) and why you are aiming to become a Coaching School. Next, a group of enthusiasts can become pilot coaches, leading the way by taking further training offered in the next section of this programme. These staff (and they may be teachers, leaders, admin staff or Teaching Assistants) can lead the way by coaching each other for half a term, before rolling out the coaching to others who would like a coach. They can set up a Forum too so that the project is monitored and evaluated for impact over time.

  • Staff Coaching Students

    Once your staff have seen the power of a coaching conversation, where ownership of change is given to the coachee, ALL conversations between staff and students will begin to change. Coaching creates self-efficacy, encouraging the coachee to feel more in control of their thinking and their responses. This in turn creates the habit of self-regulation in the coachee (and influences the coach too, as they improve their listening and questioning skills). In their classrooms, teachers will start asking more coaching questions. In one-to-one conversations with students, teachers and TAs will encourage more independent thinking and resilience in their students.

  • Students coaching students from a different key stage

    The section on students coaching each other has many resources and ideas that can be used to train students to become effective coaches of others outside of their age or friendship groups. There are exemplar checklists for supervision, information for parents and tips on safeguarding when you introduce students coaching each other. Your pilot group of coaches would be ideal candidates to train the students and later, as your school develops experienced student coaches, you can help students train each other in the skills of coaching.

  • Coaching to improve teaching and learning

    This section on Instructional Coaching may be all you need to help your teachers refine and improve their skills on an individual basis. IC is coaching specific to observing the coachee’s classroom habits, giving the coachee a chance to find out what is working and how to be even more effective. It takes small targets, ideally set by the coachee, and improves practice by trialling them and getting constructive feedback. IC works best when a school already has a strong culture of allies so all involved can be open to feedback and growth.

  • Mindset and Emotion Coaching

    This section can be dipped into at any point. It explains why coaching works and how our limiting beliefs and unhelpful thinking habits can get in the way of good relationships and improving our performance. Some people will find coaching more challenging, and this section will help everyone understand how to nurture and develop the hope and optimism which characterises an improving school. This section will help your whole school community see every challenge as a gift and opportunity.

Who you will learn with

Jackie Beere


Jackie worked as a newspaper journalist before starting a career inteaching and school leadership. She started as a teaching assistant and primary school teacher, later moving into secondary school as an English teacher. She became one of the first Advanced Skills Teachers in 1999 and, eventually, the Headteacher of a large, successful secondary school in Northamptonshire. She was awarded an OBE for developing innovative learning to learn and metacognition programmes that raised achievement for both students and teachers. Since 2006, she has been training teachers and leaders all over the world in the latest strategies for developing resilient, independent learners and a growth mindset culture in the classroom. Jackie is a master practitioner of NLP, a trained Clarity and PQ Coach and author of several bestselling books. She wrote and edited the best selling ‘Perfect Ofsted lesson’ and its follow up series including ‘The Perfect Teacher Coach’. The latest version of this book is ‘Teaching and Learning – developing independence and resilience in all teachers and learners’. ‘The Complete Learner’s Toolkit’ published in 2021 is a book of lessons to develop metacognition and mindset skills for 9-14 year olds. Her personal development book called ‘Grow: change your mindset’ has been re-published in USA as ‘Get the Growth Mindset Edge’. Jackie has been a coach for UK and international school leaders for the last five years and has worked with many schools helping leaders introduce a coaching culture to improve results and wellbeing. Her passion is to help teachers and students understand their thinking so they can fulfil their potential for success and happiness.

Award Criteria

  • Staff have all had training and experienced a coaching practice session. A Coach Leader has been assigned to lead the COSI Programme. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Visit to school to interview key staff.
  • Peer Coaching is on the SDP as a strategy for developing CPD with rationale and timescale. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Records of SDP and samples of coaching diaries.
  • Leaders have completed the Culture Audit and plan to use the Programme. to create a coaching journey for the school. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Interviews with students to include relevant quotes and coach diary scrutiny.
  • Coaching questions are on display in classrooms to encourage all staff and pupils to use coaching conversations. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Lesson observations. Interview with teachers. Analysis of data available.
  • Wellbeing issues for staff have been highlighted as a rationale for the COSI peer coaching Programme. A baseline assessment of staff wellbeing has been recorded. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Evidence from staff surveys and conversations with staff members from different groups.


  • A COSI Pilot Team have set up a forum to monitor the impact of coaching and provide supervision. The culture audit shows a score of 70% 4/5. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Visit to school to interview key staff.
  • Time has been made available for 70% of staff to have had at least two rounds of peer coaching. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Records of SDP and samples of coaching diaries.
  • Staff have brief written records of coaching commitments and outcomes from peer coaching sessions. These relate to personal goals and school priorities. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Interviews with students to include relevant quotes and coach diary scrutiny.
  • Staff can discuss how they use coaching conversations with students and colleagues. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Lesson observations. Interview with teachers. Analysis of data available.
  • The coaching forum is monitoring the wellbeing of staff through surveys and anecdotal evidence to recognise the positive impact of peer coaching on staff. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Evidence from staff surveys and conversations with staff members from different groups.

  • Peer Coaching has been used to implement whole school strategies. This is evident in the SDP. The Culture Audit has been repeated and shows impact of the Programme. The outcome is 80% 4/5 score. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Visit to school to interview key staff.
  • 90% of staff have had at least 3 peer coaching sessions using coaching diaries or similar to record outcomes. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Records of SDP and samples of coaching diaries.
  • Student coaching has been introduced for at least two year groups and students have been fully trained and supervised. There are records of feedback from coaches and coachees. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Interviews with students to include relevant quotes and coach diary scrutiny.
  • Instructional coaching has been used to directly impact on the quality of teaching and learning. Data is available to demonstrate high quality teaching. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Lesson observations. Interview with teachers. Analysis of data available.
  • Retention and recruitment has been impacted by the peer coaching Programme with an improvement in staff retention. The assessment of staff wellbeing has shown a positive impact from the coaching Programme. Assessment method used by COSI Coach Mentor: Evidence from staff surveys and conversations with staff members from different groups.

(Note: All of the methods can be included in the Coach Mentor final assessment report.)

Courses included in Programme

Here are all the courses that are included:

Pricing Option 1

£1750 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

A complete package of multi-media materials which you can use to introduce coaching to your school in a way that really works to positively impact on performance AND wellbeing.

Pricing Option 2

£2550 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

All from Option 1 above plus up to 8 hours of online or in-person support from a qualified coaching professional. (NB. All In-person coaching will involve additional expenses) The school is eligible for a National Coaching School Award ( silver) when two staff complete the programme and show evidence of progress within the school.

Pricing Option 3

£3450 + VAT

What you will get if you subscribe to this package:

Includes full Course Programme
Up to 16 hours of online or in-person support from a qualified coaching professional, including a school review. (NB. All In-person coaching will involve additional expenses)
Unlimited staff attendees
12 months Access
Monthly updates and webinar support The Gold National Coaching School Award can be obtained on two staff at least completing the programme and demonstrating evidence of progress to the external coach

Get the programme into your school

Get in touch with us for more information